With more enthusiasm than I can show in words - ITS MY FINAL WEEK OF RADIATION!!!!
My final week of treatment (#29) started on Monday with unfortunately - a broken machine and a cancelled treatment session. But, I was able to have my FINAL visit with my radiation oncologist and we decided to adjust my treatment plan from 33 sessions to 32 sessions total. I am getting the desired mean dose of radiation by Friday’s treatment so there is no need to add on an extra day next week, and Friday August 21 will still be my last day. WOOP WOOP! So excited!
throughout the last 2.5 weeks since my last post my skin has become black in parts, peeled off, and become so itchy!! I still think that this part of cancer treatment overall has been the easiest except for the 3 hour round trip daily. I continue to workout, have good energy levels, and have found ways around the hurt skin without having to take oral meds.
Miaderm and Aquaphor are my new best friends, along with not wearing a bra. After my last session this Friday I’ll have a virtual visit in a month to follow up with my radiation oncologist and then every 6 months from here on out.
what a crazy year since January this has been with active treatments. The active treatments coming to an end is almost better sweet because I know after being at the doctor office so often how hard it is (from last year) to not endure anxiety about recurrence or issues after you are “done”! I started seeing a psychologist earlier this year and plan on continuing to get back to that monthly to hopefully give me more tools to deal with that angst moving forward. The best tool? My absolute love and belief that God has me in his hands and all is going according to his plan.
Here are some cool photos I made them take of me with the machine last week to give people a better look at it all. I swear it looks like I am being abducted by aliens.
Thank you to all the people who have given up time over the past week to keep my spirits up by partaking in my random workout “challenges”! Whether you walked/ran a mile, a 5K or did pushups it has been so much fun to feel the love and support.
Here is a video of one of those challenges that shows what skin looked like going into the last 8(ish) sessions.
Today before radiation I had the opportunity to meet some amazing people and star in their commercial for their Vodka! $2 of each bottle goes back to their breast cancer foundation which helps women pay for their necessities during active cancer treatments. I will be posting more about their work and the commercial soon. It is called TwoTitMice if anyone wants search for it!
If I have learned one thing since April 2019 it is that life is going to throw you curve balls. Either learn to hit them, or strike out.
With so much love until next time,