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  • Writer's pictureSami Pickens

Grocery Store Conquered

I’ll never underestimate the importance of independence in any patient who mentions that as a priority for the rest of my career.

Today I am 24 days post op from my double mastectomy and it was the first time going to the grocery store alone.

Something so mundane and often times frustrating became a huge obstacle for me. Of course the first couple of weeks I couldn’t even drive, then after being able to do that – going to the grocery store was terrifying.

How would I reach anything?

Would I be able to maneuver the cart in a busy Publix without being embarrassed?

How would I get stuff I needed that weighed more than 10 pounds?

Today I conquered that.

I need Motrin, but feel so proud of myself.

I also learned that maneuvering the cart is very difficult and the trunk of the trailblazer ends up WAY too tall for me to reach without feeling like my whole chest will tear apart.

(I climbed on top of the cart to close it 😂)

To the middle school aged boy who got 2 liters down for me after I asked and said “of course ma’am” – you are the real MVP and you don’t know how much your help was appreciated.

Take a second and do something nice for someone this week, even if it’s just reaching for something for them in the grocery store. It may make all the difference.

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