Four surgeons later – the plan is a go! I will have surgery (at least as of right now) on March 19th! I have known this for a few weeks now, but I haven’t had the energy to write about it because it was one of the most frustrating things thus far in my cancer journey.
Per recommendation of my medical oncologist I saw a surgeon who specializes in oncological breast surgeries. I met her on a Monday night and absolutely loved her. She confirmed that my double mastectomy was well done and she believed the cancer was true recurrence and not just “missed” previously. She also explained that the plan would be to do a lumpectomy and depending on how much skin was left we would either close over my current implant or switch it out to a smaller one to close. She asked me to meet with her plastic surgeon in the office so we could all be on the same page in case she needed him for closing.
Two days later I met with her plastic surgeon who stated the only option to him was to remove the implant and remove all reconstruction that I have had on the left side – put in a few drains to get rid of anything left and then about a year from now start over on my left breast construction with part of my back muscle. I asked if he was sure we couldn’t do something more along the lines of what the breast surgeon had explained to me and he said no to treat the cancer he wouldn’t. I was heartbroken. All of this has been a lot to handle but the thought of all the pain and effort of the expanders for months and implants to be for nothing was my breaking point.
I feel very at ease and love my original plastic surgeon who has done all of my reconstruction thus far. So I reached out to a good friend who works with him and made an appointment for the following day for a second opinion. Luckily, my plastic surgeon agreed with what the breast surgeon had stated previously and thought we would def leave an implant at least as a “pseudo” comfortable expander through chemo and radiation until we could figure out later reconstruction as needed.
Not afraid to stand up for myself I left a message at the breast surgeons office as I left and stated I was not comfortable with removing everything and starting over could she please get back to me of the difference in plastic surgeon opinions. A nurse from her office called me the next day and said she was at a conference but wanted me to know she agreed with my plastic surgeon, not hers and would take care of it and call me back.
Days went by and I didn’t hear anything – I called to leave another message – this time abruptly informed that WASNT I told my surgery was a week from that day? I said no, we have not finalized plans and the nurse said that the surgeon had spoken to her plastic surgeon and he assured her I was fine with plans and to move forward.
If you are a caretaker for someone stand up for them – if you are a fellow patient – dont settle for anything less than all your questions answered.
Long story short – I told on the breast surgeon and plastic surgeon to my medical oncologist who initially referred me there. After a week of trying to get into contact with someone all of a sudden I got a phone call from the breast surgeon in the matter of hours. What a coincidence?!
She stated the plastic surgeon confirmed to her that I was fine with the plans he had of removing everything and starting over. I asked her if he told her how I had asked about doing something closer to what she had proposed and she said he did not. I asked her why it was so different than what she had preposed and she said she couldn’t. I confirmed that she still thought the cancer was curable with a lumpectomy and keeping of implants and she said she was. I then nicely told her that I would be returning to my original surgeon and thanked her for her time. I also told her she should change procedures in her office so nursing staff wasn’t calling and telling patients critical information without ability to answer questions she asked.
I am very happily having surgery March 19 with my original surgery team. I trust them whole heartedly. If I wake up without a left implant I will know it’s because it was absolutely necessary for clear margins and my cure. I know they will do everything they can to keep my wishes and I can’t wait to be cancer free again!
COVID19 UPDATES – hospital is locking down on number of visitors so I sadly won’t be able to have my family waiting for me in the waiting room cheering me on this time. It’s hard and I think it’s going to get harder in weeks to come with treatments and quarantines. Thank you to all of you that are taking the effort to wash hands and stay clear of people most vulnerable. I know I’ll have my family right by my side as soon as I am out of the hospital and at home ❤️
Lots of more updates to come as I now have a better timeline of chemo and radiation as well. I have also started physical therapy for something called axillary web syndrome as well as seeing a psychologist.
Until then – I am going to go ahead and finish my MBA in healthcare management and keep watching famous people talk to fans on instagram live as well as continue to forever pout over college baseball.
I am asking for prayers and well wishes on the first day of Spring (March 19) as I become cancer free for the second time – and for good this time! Thank you for your continued support. ❤️